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2 Social Security checks |
L'Avvocato risponde |
Thursday, 12 April 2012 17:57 |
Question: Dear Attorney, I'm hearing about more and more checks by labor inspectors who are active in many different professions and that impose heavy penalties in case of irregularities, even I know that give heavy fines if you are unable to demonstrate a relationship be working with anyone of these, even if they are a family just gives a hand without expecting any reward: is this possible? Thank you. (SC) Answer: Dear reader, I confirm that today there are numerous controls, both within the existing professional companies (firms, offices, shops, studios), but also during events (events / fairs / markets) in order to verify that all workers are regularly professionally framed. Then confirm that the situation in which the presence was established, the workplace, a family member without any type of employment relationship exists with the owner of the business (as a friend / a, boyfriend / or Spouse / Partner ), would lead to the inevitable penalty. Given the topicality of the problem (and the general lack of knowledge of the matter, which involves heavy penalties in case-finding), as I already mentioned to another reader who submitted the same issue, we inform you that I'm writing an article I will propose at the next issue, in the meantime are available for further explanations and clarifications. Cordial greetings. Attorney Veronica Gnudi |
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