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Avoid alcohol test? |
L'Avvocato risponde |
Thursday, 12 April 2012 16:13 |
Question: Hello, I read the last issue of your magazine from the next section there will be a legal and that you can make queries to a lawyer. I realize that my question is not really relevant, but since the issue may involve all, I try to expose the issue. The other night, after a dinner with family and friends, I risked being stopped by a patrol with the device dell'etilometro: fortunately not called upon to stop my car, but the one in front. But I confess that a little bit of fear I got it from here and ask: I heard that if you stop, you can always refuse to undergo the test or tests and then you may be able to "get away" is true? Is there a way to avoid investigation? I am hoping for a reply, thanks and congratulations for the newspaper. (MR) Answer: Dear reader, the information in your possession are absolutely not true: Consider the fact that so-called "crime of refusal of the investigation", previously transformed into administrative offenses and decriminalized by Law October 2, 2007 n. 160, was reintroduced by Law July 24, 2008 n. 125, (the so-called "security package", launched to combat the phenomena of lawlessness connected to illegal immigration and organized crime) and is punished just as if the offender had been determined a value corresponding to a BAC greater to 1.5 g. per liter, or a fine of E. 1500.00 to E. 6000.00, the arrest of 3 (three) months to 1 (one) year, the penalty of suspension of driving license for a period of 6 months to 1 year, and the confiscation of the vehicle if owned by the offender . In those circumstances, where there has been strongly advise you to cooperate with the Police. Cordial greetings. VG |
Trade News
- Prossimo appuntamento il 22 dicembre 2024 col grande Mercato di Roncadelle.
- Comunicato il calendario 2025 del mercato di Valeggio sul Mincio
- Il 6 e 7 dicembre Importante Asta da Metz Fine Art ad Heidelberg
- 3-4-5 dicembre Asta di importanti arredi, opere d'arte e oggettistica da Eurantico.
- Giovedì 5 dicembre 2024 - Asta N.100 da Viscontea
Art News
- Ferro & Fuoco - Dal 14 settembre al 27 ottobre 2024 Villa Emo - Monselice
- Libri: Le più belle Azioni d’Epoca - secondo volume
- REGNO D’ITALIA 1935 – 1945 Orafi, gioiellieri, argentieri italiani tra le due guerre – Volume I e II di Pierluigi Rossi.
- Le incredibili auto vendute da RM Auctions
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