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Theft and complaint |
L'Avvocato risponde |
Thursday, 12 April 2012 16:11 |
Question: Dear Editor, ..... I ask politely Lawyer: in the last two years I have suffered 2 burglaries by thieves who have robbed me in some cases of minor objects, in other parts (for me) of priceless sentimental value. Not to mention some of the gems of my wife, had in remembrance by his loved ones: irreplaceable. As a result of these thefts have filed a complaint with the Police regularly, but of course without any result. I wonder: How can I protect myself in case I recognize through the merchandise that I see in exhibitions / markets that had anything to my property? Is there a special procedure to be observed? Thank you in advance for your reply. Sincerely (AC) Answer: Dear reader, to respond to your question, but must start from the premise that our legal system is based on EVIDENCE. Consequently, if you recognize one of the items remaining in an exhibition or an item which has a market of your property, but sottrattoLe stealth would not be sufficient merely to claim ownership of the object, but would you incur the burden of proof, ie a demonstration of what she asserts. The evidence may be the most disparate (witnesses, photographs, writings, etc.), but the question that she poses, may I suggest some preventive and effective activities on the goods the subject of particular interest, such as, for example, to affect the your initials on valuables (gold jewelry), take pictures, possibly with the presence of the good of themselves or their family members where it is visible even on the domestic context of their home. You will understand therefore that, conversely, it is not advisable to Antiques or any of their respective owners allow strangers to take pictures of their property. Finally, it may be helpful for the affixing of a distinctive sign on the property in an area hidden from view: if, for example, is marked / engraved a small X (or any other character-sign-symbol) at a given point , is well understandable that the determination of what constitutes the part of law enforcement agencies further evidence of the declaration of ownership of an asset. One last tip: if it is stolen, you must remember to be very detailed and precise description of the stolen objects (with the deposit, if possible, related photographs) because, in the event of subsequent discovery, the detailed design carried out in the previous complaint then facilitates the practice of returning the goods. I hope I was clear and comprehensive, but above all was to be her help: if you need any further clarifications please feel free to contact me. Cordial greetings. VG |
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